InteDashboard can be used to conduct an online gallery walk - and students love it! Students also get to experience many benefits through a gallery walk.
Traditionally, a gallery walk is an active teaching strategy that lets students walk around the classroom to read, analyze, and evaluate other students’ work. They would then provide feedback or offer ways to improve others’ ideas through written notes on paper or verbal comments (Asmani, 2011).
InteDashboard allows instructors to conduct gallery walks for their students in in-person, online, and hybrid classes. E-Gallery Walk is typically an extension of application discussion to further allow teams to gauge how other teams responded to the same problem. Teams can view other teams’ submitted responses on application questions, and provide feedback through comments, file attachments, and vote for the best application answer.
Here are three benefits of an e-Gallery Walk for students:
1. Students experience deeper engagement and deepened learning.
The e-Gallery Walk is an interactive technique – it deviates from the usual lecture-based classes. According to a study done by Hogan, Patrcik and Cernisca (2011), students perceived gallery walks as significantly more involving than lecture-based classes. Gallery walks also strengthen the dynamics between students, which leads to an increase in students’ participation and deeper levels of engagement (Ridwan, 2015).
Additionally, Mulyani (2014) found that students taught with gallery walks experienced more deepened learning as compared to students taught by the conventional method.
2. Students develop higher-order thinking skills.
Apart from tapping on debating and writing skills, students can also tap on higher-order thinking skills such as analysis, evaluation, and synthesis during these gallery walks.
Gallery walks allow students to work closely together in small groups. Students can share ideas and respond to meaningful questions, scenarios, or texts (Ridwan, 2015). They can leave feedback on their peers’ responses, debate whose response is better, and vote for the best answer. Thus, students learn and see how others solve the same problem. This helps them develop insight into alternatives on how to solve a problem, thus helping them develop critical thinking skills and complex problem-solving skills.
3. Students develop workforce skills.
The e-Gallery Walk experience is relevant to the workplace. Students can develop workforce skills and be more prepared for their future job. For instance, there might be several methods to provide patient care. In a gallery walk, teams may debate which method is the best. Furthermore, through speaking, listening, negotiating, and building consensus, students gain collaborative and public speaking skills that would be useful for them in the workforce.
Overall, educators should consider implementing gallery walks as part of their classes as students enjoy them and can experience many benefits. The e-Gallery Walk is one of InteDashboard’s distinct features – if you are interested in learning more about it, you can book a demo with us here.